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microblading for microblading los angele



Microblading Los Angeles Transparent Bla

In 2017 Microblading Newport Beach / Microblading Los Angeles  by Tinted Liquid was formed. The company is well known for their commitment to excellence, perfect ratings for customer satisfaction and their elite technicians. Look no for further for experience when looking for your Microblading provider. Hundreds of treatments have been performed by Microblading Newport Beach by Tinted Liquid. This company  maintains  a five-star rating for each and every procedure that has been conducted. When it comes to permanent cosmetics, you want to put your trust into someone who really cares about you, their craft and takes pride in achieving the best results possible.

When you come in for your consultation, we want to hear from you first. We want to know and see the exact look you’re trying to achieve.You’re welcome to bring in photos of eyebrows you like or discuss the eyebrows in our gallery and social feeds. We also like to see pictures of how you conduct your eyebrow procedure during the “day and night”. This helps us get a better understanding of your daily eyebrow routine.



Our technicians will discuss the procedure in detail, explaining the different types of hand-held tools (manual or electric) the different needle sizes and what they are used for to achieve different looks during the procedure.


Our eyebrow mapping is done with a sticky ruler that adheres to your skin and placed above the eyebrow area. Measurements are taken from your brow and facial structure and then brows are drawn in connecting the different measurement points with a colored pencil.


We also use a measuring caliper and tinted measuring string to verify the accuracy of the measurement points.

microblading los angeles, holding mirror

Once the brows have been drawn on, a picture is taken to view on a graph and a mirror is handed to the client to view. This is the opportunity for any last-minute adjustments and then gain approval on brow design from the client. Once the approval is achieved then dots are placed with a medical pen on the skin where the new drawing has been made.


 Once the dots are complete then numbing cream is applied and plastic wrap is placed to cover the area for 25 mins.

microblading los angeles, color theory,.

During the numbing phase we discuss color theory, so the technician will know what skin undertone you have so that she can help you choose a pigment that will flatter your natural coloring. 

microblading los angeles, skin tone, ski

Undertones go beyond the general color of your skin. They’re separated into three categories; warm, cool and neutral. 

 Warm undertones tend to lean towards peachy, yellow or golden tones.

Cool undertones mean your skin has hints of pink, red or blue. 

microblading  los angels, under tones fo

Neutral is a mixture of both  these colors. A physical determination would be to view the color of your veins on the inside of your wrist. If they are more blue color than you possess a cool undertone and look great in silver jewelry. If they are a green color than you would be considered warm undertone and gold jewelry looks flattering on you. 

 Lastly, if you have difficulty determining your vein color then you most likely have neutral undertones which means every color will look amazing on you!!

MIcroblading procedure, microblading los

After the color determination has been done its time to start the microblading process. The plastic wrap and numbing cream will be removed and a couple of test strokes will be performed so the client is aware of what it feels like and to ensure their skin is fully numb to complete the first pass of strokes. 

microblading los angeles, microblading p

 After the first pass is complete, a thin layer of pigment is placed on top of the newly created strokes to help with pigment absorption. Once that has set for a few minutes, it is completely wiped off and a gel based topical numbing is applied. 

This type of numbing is designed for previously opened skin. This topical anesthetic includes an ingredient called “Epinephrine.”  Epinephrine is a chemical that will narrow blood vessels from the outer layer of skin where the topical numbing gel is applied. 

This gel will seep into the open areas and help the numbing from inside out making it more effective. Epinephrine helps reduce any small amounts of blood that raises to the surface of the skin. This makes the pigment absorption a lot easier.

Microblading los angeles, microblading,

After the second numbing has taken place the final microblading strokes and pigment placement is complete and ready for our client to view. 

microblading, microblading los angeles,.





612 Malibu Pvt
Costa Mesa  Ca, 92627

Cross streets17th and Superior Ave

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